Spring 2021 Membership Meeting

Join us for our Quarterly Membership Meeting on Sunday, April 11, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. All members and prospective members are welcome!

We'll be discussing a variety of topics. Here is a proposed agenda:


  1. Introductions  

  2. Affirm agenda 

  3. Finance report  


  1. Trans-inclusivity statement (Draft Document) - Recent controversy within the Green Party has created an opportunity to reaffirm our values and our platform, and to focus an organizing effort on trans-rights.

  2. Steering committee bylaw final vote (Bylaw Language) - At the winter Membership Meeting, we had our first discussion on the bylaw amendment to change the structure of the steering committee. This is the second vote and the bylaw will go into effect if it receives ⅔ of the eligible yes and no votes at the spring meeting.

  3. Steering committee voting process proposal (Proposal) - This proposal lays out a method and a timeline for the upcoming steering committee elections. This is a rule set and not a bylaw proposal, so it will go into place if it passes at the Spring 2021 Membership Meeting. 

  4. Goals (Draft document) - The Steering Committee has been working on a set of organizational goals for the next 1.5 years. This is an opportunity for the membership to discuss these goals, and then there will be a consensus-seeking process to accept the goals. Once goals are complete, they may be published on our website.

  5. Maryland Green Party (MGP) bylaw amendment (Proposal) - Each local chapter of the Maryland Green Party is able to propose bylaw amendments to the MGP bylaws. This bylaw amendment would require the MGP to have 2 assemblies a year instead of 1. If this proposal passes, it will be forwarded to the MGP and will be on the agenda during the June State Wide Meeting.


  1. Ranked Choice Voting - This organizing opportunity asks the BGP to dedicate to trying to get a state law passed in 2022 allowing Ranked Choice Voting in Baltimore City elections.

  2. Regular Organizing meetings - The Steering Committee has recommended regular BGP organizing meetings that allow members to bring ideas, lead teams, and discuss ideas. This discussion will seek to determine the frequency of these meetings.
