Memberships and Donations


The Baltimore City Green Party is an individual membership organization open to any Baltimore City resident who subscribes to the 10 Key Values of the Green Party. Membership is strictly voluntary and you do not need to be a member in order to participate in our activities, attend meetings, share your ideas, or contribute to the cause.

However, by becoming a registered Green or a full Decision-Making Member of the Baltimore Green Party you will gain additional rights to vote on key decisions steering the Party, such as the adoption of official policy positions or the election of Party leadership.

Becoming a Member

To become a member of the Baltimore City Green Party, simply fill out our membership form and select "Yes" when asked if you wish to become a member.

Becoming a Decision-Making Member

To become a Decision-Making Member of the Baltimore City Green Party, you must meet several requirements and then fill out the membership form. The requirements are as follows:

  • You must be registered to vote in Baltimore City. 

  • Your voter registration must list your political party affiliation as Green.

  • If you are unable to register to vote due to your age or legal status and are at least 16 years old, you may state your intention to become a decision-making member when prompted in the membership form.

  • All Decision-Making Members shall pay at least $12 per year ($1/month) in dues (sliding scale below). Individuals unable to pay dues may make arrangements with a sponsor. Individuals who may not legally make political donations for reasons such as age or being a non-citizen are exempt from paying dues.

  • Members shall determine their own level of dues based on income or ability to pay and the honor system. The suggested dues rates shall be according to the following scale:

    • $5 a month or $60 a year (for annual incomes under $30K)*
    • $10 a month or $120 a year (for annual incomes from $30K to $50K)
    • $15 a month or $180 a year (for annual incomes from $50K to $70K)
    • $20 a month or $240 a year (for annual incomes over $70K)


The Baltimore City Green Party is an independent, grassroots organization that does not accept donations from any corporation, lobbyist, or political action committee (PAC). Therefore, we rely on the support of our members and other willing individuals for donations.

Donating to our cause allows us to expand our activities in voter outreach and education, maintain a full-time political operation, and fund electoral campaigns for the betterment of Baltimore. 

Make a one-time donation.

Make a recurring sustaining donation or pay dues monthly.