Contribute to the Website

Call For Op-Eds

We are changing our approach to our use of the internet and social media. We have revamped the BGP website to focus on new content with regular updates, much like a blog or news site. The goal is for our online presence to not just be an advertisement for the party, but a platform for the expression and debate of progressive policy ideas for Baltimore. As a grassroots party, we rely on our membership not just for support but also for guidance and inspiration.


Previously we primarily published formal statements of policy positions agreed upon by consensus of the party leadership. Now we would like to foster the active participation of our membership in the exchange of ideas by calling for the submission of opinion-editorial pieces for publication on our website and sharing via social media. We want to hear as many different voices with your own perspectives on as many different topics as possible. In the interest of encouraging engagement with the community at large, we are not limiting our platform to just Greens and familiar faces. So please, if you know anybody who has a valuable perspective to share, encourage them to participate too!


The Submission Process

  • Please send your op-eds (or just your ideas for op-eds if you would like to discuss) to the editorial team. For the time being, this is Hunt Hobbs [email protected] and Andy Ellis [email protected]

  • Anybody can submit writing. Please provide:

    1. A proofread copy of the article as an attachment. We prefer Google Docs but will accept other common formats such as Microsoft .docs or editable PDFs

    2. A proper name to credit the author(s)

    3. A suggested headline

    4. (Optional) A cover image, or suggestions for imagery to be used in online distribution

  • Submissions must meet the following criteria:

    1. Adherence to the key values of the Green Party. We welcome a diversity of opinions but violating these broad principles, such as advocating violence, hate, etc. will not be published.

    2. General relevance to the work of the Baltimore City Green Party or to political discourse in Baltimore.

    3. Factual claims, if not generally public knowledge, should refer in some way to the source of that information. The editors will work with the author to clarify any statements of opinion or fact that may need sourcing, but outright inventions, falsehoods, defamation, etc will not be published.

    4. The article and any images or files included as part of the article must not violate copyright law. The editors will assist if the author is uncertain about the fair use inclusion of other works.

  • Once accepted, the editors will review the work for grammar, typos, and formatting, and will consult the author concerning any more substantive changes.

  • The editors will not publish any version of the article without final approval from the author.

  • Once given approval, the article will be published on the BGP website, and may be promoted via social media such as the BGP’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

What Topics Should You Write About?


Write about whatever is important or interesting to you. There is an incredible array of issues that are relevant to the political life of Baltimore.


Suggested topics include but are not limited to: Current events, legislation, racial and economic justice, sustainability, criminal justice and police reform, housing, the War on Drugs, cannabis, gentrification, immigration, public safety, government transparency, budgeting and taxes, the Living Wage, corruption, gun control, economic development, air and water quality, agriculture, public works and infrastructure, land use and zoning, education reform, school funding, public transit, etc.


Call to Join the Editorial Team and/or Web Infrastructure Team


We are actively recruiting members to get involved on our editorial team. As the rate of publication increases there will be too much work for our current editors (who also have other responsibilities) to do. This is a good thing! Also, we do not want to leave the important work of editorial control concentrated in the hands of one or two people forever, so please join us as editors!


We are also recruiting members to join the web infrastructure team, because although our website and social media are all functional, there is ample room for improvement. Members with experience in web development, online publishing, graphic design, and social media management are especially invited.