Baltimore City Green Party Calls for Candidates Who Support the Green Vision for Peace

The Baltimore City Green Party has published its nomination process for local candidates in 2024 elections, including Mayor and City Council. In addition, the Maryland Green Party has published its nomination process for federal candidates in 2024 elections, including the U.S. Senate and all Maryland U.S. House races, which includes the 7th and 2nd Districts within Baltimore City. 

Anyone interested in seeking the nomination of the Green Party for local or federal offices should contact the Baltimore City Green Party as soon as possible. The party is prepared to provide support and assistance to party members interested in running for public office.

The Green Party continues to seek candidates to bring Green values to life in City Councils, state legislatures and Congress. The party notes that as Chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Maryland Senator Ben Cardin is compiling a statement in support of continued U.S. arms funding of Israel's military. The Green Party opposes continued militarization and calls for the United States to end all arms sales to foreign nations, as well as monetary grants used to release other nations' funds for military purposes. 

The Green Party of the United States released a statement calling for "self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians", "the right of return for Palestinian refugees, the dismantling of illegal settlements, and the establishment of a just and equitable society where all people have equal rights and opportunities".

We believe in "a U.S. foreign policy that promotes the creation of one secular, democratic state for Palestinians and Israelis on the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan as the national home of both peoples" and seek candidates who will support this vision in the U.S. Congress and anywhere else where state support for military solutions is discussed and debated. 

Contact: [email protected]

More information:

Green Party National Platform on Israel and Palestine:

Green Party Condemns Attacks on Civilians in Israel and Gaza; Calls for Immediate Ceasefire: